A Guide to Reducing Procrastination and Establishing a Solid Work Life Balance
For many, procrastination is more than just a habit; it’s actually is an emotional addiction. If you are procrastinating, then ask yourself what it is you are avoiding. It’s a habit/addiction that is really tough to break —one that can absolutely take a toll on your business and your life.
We all know that in times when our desks our full, papers are everywhere and we’re behind on our tasks, it’s easy to feel somewhat defeated and go into flight, fight or freeze mode. Whether it’s because of personal issues, boredom or you’re unmotivated, procrastination is the action of avoiding something. If you require assistance with discovering the root cause of why you procrastinate, click here for a great referral that I fully endorse.
So, how do you escape procrastination and establish a solid work-life balance?
Introducing You To The 5S Methodology
The 5S Methodology has been one of the best ways to reduce procrastination and establish a solid work-life balance, while still being productive. Whether you have heard about it or not, it’s basically a practice that revolves around five specific actions.
The 5S Methodology can assist you with increasing your productivity by embracing the following:
- Sort: Separate the wheat from the chaff —organize your essential tasks from your non-essential ones.
- Set in Order: Prioritize your list based by either deadline or financial impact.
- Shine: Changing your work area (removing clutter, redesigning your office, etc.) can assist you with gaining a new perspective and a new attitude.
- Standardize: Establish a system that you can follow and make the 5S Methodology a habit in each area of your life. Hint: A CRM can be your new best friend.
- Safe: Make sure to maintain a safe work environment.
From the above mentioned, it’s easy to see that this best practice revolves around solving organization challenges within all aspects of your life.
And if you still can’t beat procrastination . . .
The Pomodoro Technique As A Way To Boost Productivity
I love this one and practice it daily! Divide your tasks into smaller pieces and shorter time frames. In the digital marketing world, these smaller chunks are known as “Pomodoro’s” (Italian for tomatoes) which was coined by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s as a form of tracking and managing your tasks.
Practiced by a huge population of entrepreneurs, this technique is rooted in the idea of being productive in what I would deem sprint sessions throughout the day. Essentially, it focuses on compartmentalizing your work into 25-minute intervals; after which, you should take a quick break. This really assists me with managing my own productivity and reducing any work-related anxiety. Try it!
I hope this article gives you a better understanding on how to get a better handle on the procrastination bug! Until then, take our quick quiz and find out if you should hire an in-house marketing team or outsource to an agency. Or just call and let’s discuss how to solve your biggest marketing challenges — 833-933-8463.